Perspective on Democrats and the Iran nuclear agreement

Washington Post

September 11
The Sept. 6 article “How AIPAC lost the Iran deal fight” [Politics & The Nation] stated that “several” Democratic members of Congress skipped Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress in March. In fact, nearly 60 Democrats, or close to a quarter of the party’s caucus, publicly boycotted the speech.

With House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), Netanyahu deliberately circumvented the White House in a transparently partisan ploy to build opposition to the Iran nuclear deal. Because the move infuriated such a substantial portion of the Democratic caucus, is it any wonder why the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, despite throwing millions of dollars into its campaign, did not succeed in wooing more Democrats to oppose President Obama’s signature foreign policy achievement?

Josh Ruebner, Arlington

The writer is policy director for U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation.



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