Nov. 5: ‘Shattered Hopes’ author Students for Justice in Palestine to host author Josh Ruebner

9:45 a.m., Oct. 17, 2013–The organization Students for Justice in Palestine at the University of Delaware will host Josh Ruebner, a political activist and analyst and recent author of Shattered Hopes: Obama’s Failure to Broker Israeli-Palestinian Peace, for a presentation at 7 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 5, in 104 Gore Hall.

Ruebner’s book was published in September and the presentation at UD will be part of his nationwide book tour, with other nearby stops at Johns Hopkins University, Temple University and Rutgers University.

A UD representative of Students for Justice in Palestine encouraged members of the campus community to attend “for an evening of awareness and dialogue on one of the most talked about issues in international affairs.”

For a flyer about the presentation in PDF format, click here.


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